Riley Claxton The Seer Photographic print (841 x 1189 mm )
“Stranger in a strange land” is a series that is developing into a book/published format and documents my visual experiences in Rotorua. However the particular narrative for this publication is based on the experiences of seeing or experiencing Rotorua as an alien landscape (or even thru the eyes of an alien/pakeha). Full of geo-morphic curiosities and generations of tangata whenua and wairua Rotorua is a unique place: hence the stranger in a strange land.
Riley Claxton The Seer Photographic print (841 x 1189 mm )
“Stranger in a strange land” is a series that is developing into a book/published format and documents my visual experiences in Rotorua. However the particular narrative for this publication is based on the experiences of seeing or experiencing Rotorua as an alien landscape (or even thru the eyes of an alien/pakeha). Full of geo-morphic curiosities and generations of tangata whenua and wairua Rotorua is a unique place: hence the stranger in a strange land.